I’m back from the Defending the Faith Conference at Steubenville, Ohio. If you haven’t attended this conference, I highly recommend it especially if you are just starting Catholic apologetics.
I would like to give a special thank you to Rob Corzine of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. The St. Paul Center is doing remarkable work in promoting good, sound, and exciting material on Scripture. I highly recommend their site which includes online classes on Scripture and many other goodies. The address is www.salvationhistory.com. Check it out.
About gmichuta
Gary is a noted Catholic speaker and author. He has given hundreds of parish talks and seminars on apologetics and evangelism. Gary is also the author of several books including, Why Catholic Bibles Are Bigger: The Untold Story of the Lost Books of the Protestant Bible, The Case for the Deuterocanon: Evidence and Arguments, How to Wolf-proof Your Kids, Making Sense of Mary, etc. For more information books, talks, and CD sets go to: www.Catholicproductions.com or his official website www.HandsOnApologetics.com. Gary is a proud member of CGM Booking go to http://www.cmgbooking.com/catholic-speakers/gary-michuta